20-12-2009 |
MacThree's Caithlenn selected with the 6 BIS Puppies. Wijchen, NL (judge Mr. van Hummelen (B) and 8 PMD's present 1 male/7 females) was characterized by many absences due to bad weather circumstances. Also with the PMD's were 4 absences. The only male present was puppymale Ivar of Fjerla's Legnacy who gained 1 Very Promissing. Cait gained 2 Excellent in Open class (4 entries). Cath gained again 1 Very Promissing, became Best Puppy again and saw herself placed with the 6 BIS puppies.
12-12-2009 | Belgian Winner, Brussel 20 PMD's present, 8 males and 12 females. Judge Mr. A. Soos (HU) MacThree's Caithlenn: 1 Very Promissing, Best Puppy. Alta Colina's Den Dama; Championclass 1 Excellent. Alta Colina's Gurine Gropa: Open class; 1 Excellent (double) CAC CACIB BOS, Belgian Winster 2009 and International Champion | |
30-11-2009 | The Dutch Winner, Amsterdam. Judge: dhr. G. Bodegard (SE), PMD's present: 5 males and 18 bitches
MacThree's Caithlenn wins her class again for the fifth time on a row and became Best Puppy, followed by her little sister MacThree's Caoilainn with 2 VP and MacThree's Cately who gained 3 VP. Alta Colina's Den Dama won again Championclass voor the third time in a row and Alta Colina's Gurine Gropa became again 2 Ex in Open class.
The beautiful pictures made by Pascale Zwart on The Winner and all the results are already on the site of "Vrienden van de Pyreneese Berghond".
We've also participated for fun with the Breedersclass. But because they're just 6 months old and Comedy's head is too much different then those from her sisters we didn't make any chance (quiet rightly by the way). But it was good practise for them and they did it marvelous for the first time with 3 sisters next to eachother!
15-11-2009 |
MacThree's Caithlenn wins again, this time Puppyclass (3 entries) at Kortrijk, Belgium. Judge Mr. Rafael Escar (ES) PMD's present: 20, 7 males and 13 bitches
30-10-2009 |
Video from the Dutch Speciality Show on this pagina. With thanks to Ursula Hock-Henschke |
26-10-2009 |
Celice again winner Champion class, Best Champion and reserve BIS Bitch at the Dutch Speciality Show, Caitlin 2nd in Open class (13 bitches entered) and little Cath BIS Baby. BOS Baby: MacThree's Cathmore
MacThree's Caithlenn "Cath" Best Baby at Journee Jeunes et Veterans, Belgium | ||
MacThree's Caoilainn Best Baby at Zwolle, The Netherlands |
24-08-2009 |
MacThree's Calough and MacThree's Caithlenn for the first time at show in Mechelen, Belgium |
13-08-2009 | Pictures of the birth of our first litter on line. it's fascinating and touching to see how small our gigantic PMD is at birth | |
21-07-2009 | MacThree's First litter on line | |
16-07-2009 |
Page off MacThree's Caithlenn "Cath" and MacThree's Cately "Comedy" on line MacThree's Caelin for the first time on the beach: playing and listening at the same time Movie on You Tube On You Tube also movies off Alta Colina's Hessige Hedvig Noor (owners: H. en M. Koenders) and Alta Colina's Iver Iskrem Knoet (owners: L. Weiss en M. Bol) who became Best male and Best female on the Juniorday in the Netherlands. |
13-07-2009 |
Our last pup left for her new home. "Long legs" Weight at birth: 603, when she left: 11.200 gram
04-07-2009 |
Mister Blue has left the building. With less pain in our heart we said goodbye to "Dude" because within 2 week he'll be staying with us again because his owners go on vacantion. Weight at birth: 635, when he left: 10.100
MacThree's Caoilainn "Ilou" with her future lover Fangio Etoile Donar La Joie Blanche |
03-07-2009 |
My heart becomes smaller and smaller; little copy of Caronne went with his owners today. Weight at birth: 635 gram, when he left: 9.450 gram
02-07-2009 |
And again a piece of my heart is gone. "Little Doll" went to her new home. Weight at birth: 570 gram, when she left: 9.000 gram MacThree's Carlin. Owner: T. van Loon, Zoetermeer The Netherlands |
01-07-2009 |
With pain in our hearts we saw our first puppy leave our home. Ilou's weight at birth: |
03-06-2009 |
16-05-2009 |
15-05-2009 | The pups today exactly 2 weeks old. New pictures and WEIGHTS on the puppenpagina | |
13-05-2009 |
We've SUPERpuppies in the house; 12 days old and some of them already walk on their own. Look at the puppypage |
12-05-2009 | New weights and portraits of our Macthree's Puppies onPuppypage | |
10-05-2009 | Alta Colina's Den Dama wins championclass on Belgium Clubmatch and becomes 2th Best Bitch off the day. Alta Colina's Damenens Jens (owners: R. en W. v.d. Berk) became Best male. Best Bitch and BOB became the beautiful Betty Boop du Mas de la Valliere; congratulations! | |
07-05-2009 |
Our "lady in Red" is already above the kilo And this is our Daddy: Nl INT B CH Uchan Caronne du Domaine de Peyrac JW'04 JBS'04 MMT'07 (best male in Holland 2007) KS'08,
06-05-2009 |
New pics on the puppypage |
And this is one of the most impressive pictures that were taken during delivery; this is a just born GPM, stil in amnions and not yet breading on his own yet. And this is another picture we wanted to share with you all; a Macthree's puppy only 1 day old.... |
There're people who wonder how a Great pyrenees can easily deliver 7 puppies, variating in weight from 570 gram till 652 gram in 3½ hours.... This is Caitlin on April the 30th so 1 day before delivery. Except for being determined by heredity, she's also in topshape by the daily exercise she gets. The white spot you see on the right in the picture, is our old "smart" chicken that hid herself in the bushes and that's why I didn't notice it before I already released our dogs and was shooting picyures of our dogs; Cait did notice..... |
03-05-2009 |
A great Champion is gone..... The grandfather off our newborn litter, F CH. Surcouf du Domaine de Peyrac has died on 02-05-2009, just one day after the birth of his grandchildren with us. This dog has put his marks on the breeding off Du Domaine de Peyrac of Catherine Gaubert and was known for his strong inheritage off a proud attitude and gorgious "Peyrac eyes"". We wish Catherine a lott off strenght to cope with this terrible loss. |
02-05-2009 |
With pride, happiness and gratitude we hereby announce the birth of our first MACTHREE litter on 01-05-2009. NL. Int. B. CH Uchan Caronne du Domaine de Peyrac JW'04 JBS'04 KS'08 MMT'07 and DJK CHJK LUJK Alta Colina's Gurine Gropa KBS'08 have become the proud parents of 2 handsome boys and 5 pretty girls after an effortless delivery of 3½ hours 16.45 Bitch 1 weight: 570 gram 17.20 Male 1 weight: 635 gram 17.40 Male 2 weight: 635 gram 18.45 Bitch 2 weight: 650 gram 18.55 Bitch 3 weight: 580 gram 19.56 Bitch 4 weight: 652 gram 20.10 Bitch 5 weight: 603 gram The puppies look healty and powerfull and Mamma is taking very good care off her children. More pictures soon to come. We only have just 1 girl available out off this combination, the 2 gentlemen and 4 other ladies are already reserved. |
29-04-2009 |
Ultrasound off Caitlin with many thanks to Karin Scholten of Kennel La Joie Blanche! Click on the picture to see the unborn puppies of Catlin and Caronne
08-04-2009 |
Yesterday I had again an unique ecperience (with thanks to Karin Scholten of La Joie Blanche) Together we took Caitlin for an Ultrasound with moving images. Caitlin is now 40 days pregnant from our Caronne and at this time you can see the little organs, spinal and even the differents between males and females! I'm still wrestling to make the movie less heavier for the website. As soon as we've managed that, we'll put it on the site. |
06-04-2009 |
03-04-2009 |
1-4-2009 |
New pictures on her page of the future Mama Caitlin |
Our Caitlin is pregnant from our Caronne! Puppies will be expected at the end off April/beginning off May
27-03-2009 | Our beautiful girl Alta Colina's Gurine Gropa is pregnant from Multi Ch. Uchan Caronne du Domaine de Peyrac. Puppies will be born at the end off April/beginning off May. For more information see our Puppypage or email to: info@pyreneese-berghonden.nl | |
Mating took place between
Swiss-, German- and Luxembourg Juniorchampion Klubsieger'08 Alta Colina's Gurine Gropa (Officialy HD A, Patella-, OCD- and ED free 0/0) |
02-03-2009 | Caitlin scores again, this this time on health!
Today we went for the Hip X-ray with Caitlin. We also have examined her elbows and shoulders. Resultats: HD A, OCD- and ED free!
23-02-2009 |
"Little" Caitlin wins both days in Fribourg, Zwitserland Open classe and becomes Best Bitch: CAC, CACIB and BOS. "Sis" Celice had Saturday enough on a reserve CAC in Champion class (she already had 4 CH CAC's but had to wait for that obligated 1 year between the first and fourth CAC) and she is now also Swiss Champion! And these are my most favourit pictures to make: showing so well the loving and caring bond between owner and dog:
Sorry; this website isn't updated like you're used to because we're busy moving to Belgium. We'll make it all up when we're settled there! | ||
15-02-2009 |
Celice defends with succes her title "Rheinlandsiegster 2008", becomes BOB and is now also German Champion!
In the meanwhile we're still busy in our "dreamhouse" in Belgium, our old house in Rotterdam is sold and we finally also have internet so we can update our site again on regular bases. Our "babies" our doing fine and hundreds off photos are already made. |
xxxxxxx |
Article published in the Magazine “Los Vast” (the magazine for trainers and instructors , which is published by O&O, de Dutch Club for Instructors in Dog raising and –education) with pictures off Alta Colina's Crem de la Crème "Keldo" en Uchan Caronne du Domaine de Peyrac. Luckily at that time our Dutch kennel club made a request to our breeding club for adjusting the breed description, especially concerning character and behaviour, on their official website. I’ve made the adjustments, made the differences in raising and behaviour of a “working PMD and a domestic, socially well raised PMD very clear and since August 2008 the new description is published on the official website of our Kennel club.
The article has been published in a softer way of writing (because we all know “my straight to the point technique) by Leo Leunissen (editor O&O) and he has also put 2 of my most favourite pictures with it; Caronne and Lotta and certainly my most favourite one: beautiful Keldo and I in Norway. Thank you so very, very much!!
08-12-2008 |
Caitlin 2 x 2e BestBitch Caronne 2 x BOB and 6 BIG! Celice 2 x BOS and Austrian Champion! 6 december 2008: Wels, Austria. PMD's present: 8 (5 m/3b) Judge: Mr. C. Janes (A). Alta Colina's Den Dama "Celice" Champion classe: 1 Ex. CAC CACIB BOS, Alta Colina's Gurine Gropa "Caitlin" Open class: 1 Ex. CAC res. CACIB, Uchan "Caronne" du Domaine de Peyrac Champion class: 1 Ex.CAC CACIB BOB 6 BIG! Judge in the main ring: Mrs. S. Kirschbichler (A) And a new "love" bloomed that day...... 7 december 2008: Wels, Austria. PMD's present: 8 (4 m/4 b Judge Mrs A. Kührer (A). Alta Colina's Den Dama "Celice" Champion class: 1 1Ex. CACIB BOS. This was her fourth CAC so now also Austrian Champion! Alta Colina's Gurine Gropa "Caitlin" Open class: 1 Ex. CAC res. CACIB, Uchan "Caronne" du Domaine de Peyrac Champion class: 1 Ex. CAC CACIB BOB |
29-11-2008 |
Celice Winster 2008 on the Winner in Amsterdam!
The Winner in Amsterdam: 20 PMD's present 7 males and 13 bitches. Judge: Mr. T. Jakkal from Hongary. After an absence of 4½ maand back on show again. Report: Beautiful head and expression. Powerfull, elegant bitch with an excellent balanced and clean outline, completed by her lovely coat. Moves well. 1U CAC CACIB Winster 2008
Brother Jergan became 2 Ex. in Champion class and his daughter Gitane Gentille La Joie Blanche won Junior class and became Junior Winner 2008. His other daughter Fjerla from Cailins Garden won Intermediare class 1 Ex.
BOB Ayous de la Belletiere and BOS Alta Colina's Den Dama "Celice" wth judge T. Jakkal |
15-11-2008 |
I've passed my exam for the Pyrenean Mountain dog! Everybody THANX for the moral support that day. And thank you for the congrets, flowers and cards I received! Special thanks from the judges goes to the breed exam commission, Ilona, Karin and Claire for putting up a perfect learning traject for the Aspirant judges and learning material in which we could find all the answers we needed for the theory! |
23-10-2008 |
Sadley Celice has lost her puppies. Some puppy buyers wait for our next litter, some puppy buyers decided to get a puppy from some Dutch kennels we recommended but some puppy buyers decided to get their puppy from kennel Alta Colina in Norway were almost the same combination (du Domaine de Peyrac x Alta Colina) was done as ours. |
16-10-2008 | We're so happy; our Celice is pregnant!![]() |
Mating took place between Ch. Alta Colina's Den Dama
Ch. Uchan Caronne du Domaine de Peyrac. Pupies to be expected around the 16th of November 2008. More information on the Puppenpagina
04-09-2008 |
After she'd played her own little game, our Celice is finally IN HEAT!! And the lady felt it: she knew she could keep one of her babies at the moment we would found our house we've always dreamed about! |
29-07-200 |
Our Keldo is gone
It’s Friday night and a SMS is coming in. He, nice, it’s Beate from |
30-06-2008 |
Grandma of Celice and also Great Grandma of Caitlin, Beachbear's Digitalis Purpurea of kennel Alta Colina Best Bitch and 3 BIS Veteran! On the show at Bjerke, Norway where 23 grown up Pyrs (10m/13b) were entered, she was choosen by judge Mr. H. v.d. Berg (NL) as Best bitch in spite off her age of 11 years!! |
25-06-08 |
Caronne's has another new best friend |
23-06-2008 |
Like Father like Sun: Alta Colina's Don Diablo BIS at the show in Oppdal, Norway. On Saturday kennel Cubilon BIS Breedersgroup! And on Sunday Kennel Alta Colina 2 BIS Breedersgroup! Wonderful news from Norway; N CH Alta Colina's Don Diablo "Ruben", sun off Cubilon's Hann-Hund Homage "Martin" is a true heir of his father and became BOB, BIG and BIS 4 on the first day. On the second day he also beacme BOB, BIG and even BIS!! Ruben is a litter brother of our Alta Colina's Den Dama "Celice"out off the succesful D litter of kennel Alta Colina, Norway. Owner is Hilde Stenstad and we're so happy for her!! Sister N CH Alta Colina's Donna Diosa "Elvis" became Best bitch (BOS)
17-06-2008 |
Caronne Clubwinner 2008 male and little Caitlin Clubwinner 2008 bitch in Austria! Caronne went 3 times Best male last weekend! Both Celice and Caronne won the Crufts qualification 2009 last Saturday! Celice won her 8th official Champion title last Sunday! She gained her 3rd and 4th Slovenian CAC and is now official Slovenian Champion! All showresults on page "shows 2008" |
08-06-2008 | Alta Colina's Damenens Jens "Jergan" 3 BIG at the show in Lommel, Belgium | |
04-06-2008 |
Mating to be expected of NL B INT LU Ch Alta Colina's Den Dama "Celice" NlJK LUJK CHJK (HD A and officially PL free) and NL B INT Ch Uchan Caronne du Domaine de Peyrac JW'04 JBS'04 (HD A and officially PL). Reserve male for this combination/litter will be NL D Ch Tendre Noël du Domaine de Peyrac JW'03 W'03, EJS '04 W'06 , a full brother (only elder) of our Caronne owned by Karin Scholten, kennel La Joie Blanche. |
25-05-2008 |
Alta Colina's Crem de la Crème International, Finish and Nordic Champion! Keldo stays at the moment at kennel Chenespace in Finland for a mating with Fin Ch Chenespace Ivoire (the mating took already place and puppies are to be expected somewhere the 15th off July) and wentt with Tuulikki to the International show in Helsinki. From this kennel also came the grand pa of our Celice, multi BIG, BIS and Champion Chenespace Beau Marcus. He was the father of the H litter of kennel Cubilon of which Mult BIG BIS and Champion Cubilon's Hann-Hund Homage "Martin" (father of our Celice) was a product. On his turn, a dog out of the same lines as our Caronne, Ch. Stephen du Domaine de Peyrac off kennel Chenespace is going to do 2 matings at kennel Alta Colina with Alta Colina's Besos de Bubbles and Alta Colina's Barco de la Bandera. In Denmark puppies are already born at kennel Pyr-Eclaire out of the combination off Ch. Tendre Noël du Domaine de Peyrac (brother off our Caronne) of kennel La joie Blanche and Sir Diego's Inez. And a mating of our CH Uchan "Caronne" du Domaine de Peyrac??? News about that is coming soon..... |
18-05-2008 | On the 18th of May I've published (without mentioning any names) a piece to warn puppy buyers where to pay attention to when they're planning to buy a puppy. I've put my fingers on some hot items that just a few breeders practise. It caused a lot off commotion under that same few breeders. The majority of the breeders that did and still do their job very well didn't, quite rightly, felt attacked. | |
17-05-2008 | Suddenly besides a new Belgium Champion also a real Royal family in the house. At the show in Wieze, Belgium Celice became, just like last year, "Hop Queen" (Best bitch), CAC CACIB BOS, Caitlin became Hop Princess and Caronne became Hop King (Best male) CAC CACIB. And were last year Celice became the BOB, it was now Caronne who became the BOB and officialy Belgium Champion. | |
05-05-2208 | New showresults | |
27-04-2008 |
22-04-2008 |
And again a little fighter is born: Denley Alexsander. Almost 10 weeks too early, 1800 gram and 41 cm long but our second grandson is doing marvelous! By the way Daddy Alexsander and Mamy Chantal are also doing great! He's still in an incubator but luckily nowadays grand pa's and grand ma's can come to visite and even hold him after the necessary precautions. |
19-04-2008 |
Caronne Internationaal Champion and Caitlin after already being Swiss- and Luxembourg Junior Champion now also German Junior Champion at Lingen, Germany.
12-04-2008 | Celice again Best Bitch at Antwerpen, Belgium. She's completly out of coat, didn't want to move like we're used to so I've no other explaination then that she's judged on the way she's build and her radiation..... | |
31-03-2008 | New show result Luxemburg. Caitlin for the first time in Intermediaire classe with the "big girls" 2 Ex. res. CAC | |
26-03-2008 | New show result Caitlin: Leewarden, the Netherlands | |
22-03-2008 |
The mighty "Lord of the Showrings" is gone We've received the sad, sad news that one of the Greatest Dogs in the world has passed away on the 21th of March 2008. Father of our Celice, Multi Champion Cubilons Hann-Hund Homage "Martin" will certainly be missed and the showring will never be the same again without his presence. We wish Hilde a lot of strength to bear this terrible loss. Gone but not forgotten; he'll always be remembered in our hearts |
02-03-2008 | New show result Caitlin. At the moment she has the chance to finish her Dutch Junior Championship, Caitlin throws off her coat completly. In combination with the fact that a lot of judges don't want to give the "large breed" Junior an Excellent (like Juniors need in Holland to get the JCAC) because they're not finished yet; is not much good! We'll see what that brings....... | |
25-02-2008 |
Caitlin again 2 times Best Junior and now official Swiss Junior Champion! and Celice again 2 times Best Bitch in Fribourg, Switzerland. The results from last weekend: 23-02-2008 Judge: Mrs. L. Mach (CH), PMD's present: 13. Celice Champion class: 1Ex. CAC CACIB Best Bitch BOS. Caronne Champion class: 1 Ex. CAC res CACIB (res. Best Male) Caitlin Junior class: 1 Ex. JCAC Best Junior = Jugendsieger Fribourg 2008 Swiss Junior Champion 24-02-2008 Judge: Mr. L. Pichard (CH), PMD's present: 12. Celice Champion class: 1Ex CAC CACIB Best Bitch BOS. Caronne Champion class: 2 Ex. res CAC Caitlin Junior class: 1 Ex. JCAC Best Junior = Jugendsieger Fribourg 2008 |
17-02-2008 |
Caronne again BOB, this time in Germany Rheinberg, Germany. Judge Mrs. A. Thomassen (S) PMD's present: 9. Celice 1 Ex. CAC, Best Bitch = Rheinland Sieger 2008 BOS, Caitlin 1 Ex. JCAC, Best Junior Bitch = Rheinland Jugendsieger 2008 and Caronne 1 Ex. CAC, Best Male = Rheinland Sieger 2008 and BOB
02-02-2008 |
Vår and Caronne have mated, puppies to be expected in the beginning of April at Kennel Flagella, Norway. For more information: Lisbeth Seime and Hans Henning Johansen
Noors Zweeds Kampioen Flagella's Camoscia "Vår" HD A
NL CH Uchan Caronne du Domaine de Peyrac JW'04 JBS'04 Meillieur Montagne 2007 |
12-01-2008 |
08-12-2007 |
New showresult of Caronne 1 Ex. CAC CACIB and BOB at Genk, Belgium. Judge Mr. N. Deschuymere (B). The ladies didn't went with us this time because they're both in season.
And also our Caronne is winner of the Meillieur Montagnes Trofee 2007 with 55 points out off 13 shows |
07-12-2007 | Celice is Winner off the Meillieur Montagnes Trofee 2007. The Meillieur Montagnes Trofee is yearly given by the Dutch Breed Club for the most winning Pyrenean Mountain Dog, male as well as female, that has gained the most winning points on Dutch CAC(IB) shows during the year. With 64 points out off 13 shows, our Lies cann't be beaten anymore. For the males it's Caronne who's on top off the most winning list at the moment.![]() Celice as a puppy |
28-11-2007 | New pictures on page Van/Voor anderen. Every time again we're surprised to see hoe peaceful these 4 (actually she has 5) males live together under one roof and we're talking about the roof of Hilde Stenstad of course. Owner of 4 males among them Martin and Ruben, respectively father and brother of Celice and Jergan. Do you want to see more of such beautiful pictures? Then take a look at haar site And kennel Alta Colina again Best Breeders group at the Nordic Winner. Alta Colina's Besos de Bubbles became Best Bitch = Noric Winner 2007. Congratulations! ![]() Keldo, Ruben, Elvis and Bubbles of kennel Alta Colina Noorwegen |
26-11-2007 | New showresults. Jergan Champion class 1 EX CAC CACIB BOS = Winner 2007. Celice Champion class 1 Ex res. CAC + CACIB = 2e Best Bitch. Caronne Champion class 3 Ex. Cailtin and Fjerla didn't come further this time then 2 VG en 3 VG but brother Famyran, (sun of Jergan) became Junior Winner 2007. The "Brother and Sister On Tour" reaches the end, in any case for the Benelux.
But for now the "wrong" one is in heat and that's lttle Caitlin. That means my mother gets a guest again. Our Mam is an energetic, intelligent, boldly acting lady who's 71 years young for which we feel a lot of love and respect. Everytime one of the ladies gets in heat, they're going to stay with Grandma. She's also the one that babysits our dogs (and our sun!) when we go away for a weekend. It will be hard to miss baby Caitlin but in any case we leave her safe behind in very trusted hands.....
17-11-2007 |
What a wonderful day again in Kortrijk, Belgium. 14 PMD's present (7m/7b) present, Judge mr. Ove Germundsson (Swe) Caronne Championclass: 1 Ex res CAC en res CACIB (second best male) Caitlin Juniorclass 1 Ex and Best Junior. Celice again Best Bitch CAC CACIB BOS and gained her 8th Belgiumr CAC . The restricted year between the 1st and fourth went by so she's now also BELGIUM CHAMPION. And after a long time I'm "in love" again with a beautiful male: BOB Fax du Mas de Beauvoisin (Anaelle du Mas de Beauvoisin x Rivergroves Honor Among Thieves); WAUW!!
14-11-2007 |
Mating checked by IFA and officially approved by the Dutch Breeders Club N.V.L.P.H. This litter is according to the new, much stricter breeding rules (especially concerning the official Patella Luxation rule and more showresults) with effect from January 1st 2008. Do you want more information about this, send an email to info@pyreneese-berghonden.nl |
12-11-2007 |
Back from an again lovely long weekend from Norway and oh, what a great dogs they have! As always, we go to Norway when there're new puppies born but this time it was a very speciaal "Puppy" that had been born: Enya, daughter off Beate and Hans-Erik. On the picture giant Alta Colinas Creme de la Crem Keldo (sun of Kelly from Alta Colina and our Caldo) and tiney Enya. |
05-11-2007 |
Brother and Sister On Tour" part 11: Jergan and Celice again Best Male and Best Bitch on the show at Bleiswijk (NL)! Judge Mr. H. Reinders (NL). And where Celice became the BOB last year on the same show, it was now her brother Jergan who deserved the BOB tittle.
Do we almost forget the youngest member of our winning team! Fjerla from Cailins, Jergan's daughter gained her 3rd Junior CAC in 31 days!! and is now official Dutch Junior Champion
31-10-2007 | The beautiful puppies are born at Kennel La Joie Blanche 3 Beautiful Ladies and 2 Strong Males | |
30-10-2007 | Mating planned, deckung erwarted, mariage prevu, planlagt parring july 2008. More information on the puppenpagina | |
27-10-2007 |
(Future) Ancestor of Kennel Macthree
Dutch Champion Uchan Caronne du Domaine de Peyrac JW'04 JBS'04 Most Winning Pyrenean Mountain Dog 2007 Male Name: Caronne Born: 05-12-2003 HD A/free and Officially Patella free 0/0 Father: Ch. Surcouf du Domaine de Peyrac x Mother: Romance du Domaine de Peyrac owner: Marina Nieuwenhuizen Kennel Macthree Nederland. It looks like the song “Born free” of Andy Williams has been written especially for Caronne. He’s is an adventurer that loves to be outside night and day to patrol on his territory. All guard- and herder instincts that should be present in a Pyrenean Mountain dog are fully present in him. Loyal for and most protective about everybody he loves; courageous and fearless against everybody and everything that threatens that, no matter how big or tall. He can clearly see a distinction between what’s right or wrong; in Caronne all working qualities are united that a PMD should possess naturally. He needs space and freedom and could easily survive in the wild. Caronne is born in a real pack where the leader of the pack, in this case his father Ch. Surcouf du Domaine de Peyrac, ruled/rules with his several ladies. Everything passed and passes off according the rules of the pack and it are these rules that Caronne knows very well and lives up to. At the moment Celice was old enough to take the leadership in our house, he accepted it immediately knowing she was the best Against people, children, other animals and bitches Caronne is very affectionate and kind, towards other males he has less tolerance, caused by some experiences in his “puppy hood” (do you want to know more about that, read “Brutus and the rest”). Caronne is crazy about babies and children; he always wants to look in prams. He also loves to swim, is very, very clever and listens marvellous: just whisper “front” and within 2 seconds he’s in front of you, no matter were we’re at that moment.
Caronne is a “French type” dog according to the original standard with a withers height of 75 cm (standard 70 cm till 80 cm with a tolerance of 2 cm above the maximum for the perfect type). Compared to the modern (sometimes too big) males, he seems small but he’s proportional very well build, massive muscled, very good angulated and has an easy, fluent gait. He has the perfect scissors bite, tight lips, gorgeous eyes and a very expressive head of which you can read al his states of mind. He also has a beautiful long fur of which I hope he will pass it on to his descendants. Like his father he also has a born proud attitude, especially when he’s on his own territory. Caronne is always happy (except when he sees another male; that’s why he doesn’t like shows that much) and his tail is constantly wagging all day long. He’s indefatigable and can easily run for an hour in full speed when the boss takes him with him for a bicycle trip. Nicknames: Prince Peyrac, Peyracje (little Peyrac), Devil.
Father of Caronne is the world-famous French Champion Surcouf du Domaine de Peyrac. A dog who has descendants all over the world and who possesses a born proud, arrogant attitude and beautiful dark Peryrac eyes: till now both qualities has been passed on strongly to his descendants.
![]() Mother Romance is nowadays enjoying her old age and is a veteran who’s in an extraordinary condition because all dogs in this kennel run freely all days outside in different packs |
26-10-2007 |
(future) Mother of Kennel Macthree:
NL INT LU B CH. Alta Colina’s Den Dama NJK CHJK LUJK Most Winning Pyrenean Mountain Dog 2007 Female Name: Celice Born: 09-03-2005 HD A /vrij Officially Patella free 0/0 Father: Multi CH. CubIlons Hann-Hund Homage “Martin” x Mother: Norwegian CH. Beachbears Guapa Joya de Ora “Kaya” Owner: Marina Nieuwenhuizen, kennel Macthree, The Netherlands Co-owner: Beate Konstad, kennel Alta Colina, Norway The character description on Celice’s page is from the time she was about 1 year old. In the meantime she has been grown till a lovable, quiet and stabile dog who still likes a lot of cuddling. She’s very caring; and she sees our Caitlin as her own pup and watches over her like a hawk. Luckily she has grown over her demolishing period and she listens with the best of terms, as well in – as outdoors. She’s the consequent leader of the pack at our house and the other dogs have to listen; even our gentlemen! A few things haven’t been changed; she still chats too much and still likes to have the last word. She’s still very smart and rather born tired; at the moment she sees the bike, our lady is gone! Her biggest hobby is still food (and I think it will always stay that way). At the moment her nickname is just Lies(ie) only if she does something what we don’t like it is CELICE!!!!!!!!
Celice is also a proud, powerful and healthy dog and she radiates that, also in the ring. Many judges are impressed by her powerful body and gait and appreciate her proud radiation. For that she has been rewarded many times (and still is) with the best show results. She comes out of a qualitively good litter; as well on the health part as the exterior part. Till now already 5 dogs out of this litter are Champion on the age of 2 years; this is worldwide unique! Not ever has a litter brought forward so many Champions on this young age as this litter. 4 Off these Champions are already X-rayed and all HD A/free. Also 4 off these Champions are checked on Patella (of which Celice and brother Jergan on the official, independent way which is required for Dutch Pyrs from of January 1st 2008 in Holland) and all Patella free 0/0.
Sadly this combination can never be repeated again because the mother of this D litter, Ch. Beachbears Guapa Yoja de Ora died on a too early age by a stomach turn. This condition appears when (mainly large dogs) don’t get/take rest enough after a large amount of food or (and that is less known) water. Unfortunately this can happen to every dog and is not inheritable. It’s important that you give your dog a rest for minimal one hour after a large meal, or even better, you divide the food over a few portions a day. Be sure that your dog don’t take too much water in once by f.i. hot weather.
Celice’s mother was also a beautiful, healthy dog (HD A/free and PL 0/0) with a marvellous character who carefully took care off her puppy’s so well
![]() Daddy Martin, Multi Champion Cubilons Hann-Hund Homage still causes a furore in the show ring and his nickname is “Lord of the Show ring”. Also a powerful, healthy dog (HD A/free and PL 0/0) who has many BOB, BIG and BIS victories on his account and he still goes on doing that even at the age of 7 years. He’s a stabile dog with a magnificent character and at home he’s the leader of the pack which consists out of 4 males who all live harmonically together; quit a unique situation too!
![]() Copyright brochure: Kennel Macthree The Netherlands Marina Nieuwenhuizen |
22-10-2007 |
Lausanne, Switzerland: Celice 2x CAC CACIB, 2x Best Bitch and International Champion Caitlin 2x Jeugd CAC and 2x Meillieur Jeune (Best junior) and on Sunday 2nd Best Bitch.
18-10-2007 |
Celice now official Luxemburgs Champion! With thanks to Rieky xxx |
17-10-2007 |
Brother and sister "On Tour" part 10: Jergan wins Open class 3 times on a row and Celice Nationaal Sieger and BOB in Dortmund. Caitlin Nationaal Jugendsieger. All showresults from this weekend on the page "shows 2007" |
06-10-2007 |
Brother and sister "On Tour" part 9, Zwolle: Jergan Open Class 1Ex CAC CACIB BOS. Celice Championclass 1Ex res CACIB. Caronne Championclass 1Ex res. CAC res CACIB Little Caitlin gets her first VG with an excellent judging report. All Young- and Junior dogs from the large breeds got an VG from this judge. Turned out that he gave no Ex. to dogs of that age because they're not finished yet...... |
01-10-2007 |
The English page "News" is finally working again. Here under all show results from the last time
29-09-2007 | Brother and Sister "On Tour" part 8: Jergan Open class 1Ex res. CAC res. CACIB Dutch Chamion and Celice Champion class 1Ex res. CAC + fully CACIB (her 16th by the way). Caronne Champion class 1Ex CAC CACIB BOS. Caitlin Junior class 2 Ex res. J.CAC. The winner of the Junior class Fjerla from Cailins Garden (daughter of Jergan and owned by Liesbeth van Tilborg) became best bitch (J.CAC and CAC) and BOB at the age of only 9 months! Another record broken and it stays in the (Norwegian) family, in a manner of speaking). Liesbeth and Ad congratulations with your beautiful young lady and keep up the good work! | |
24-09-2007 |
The Dutch page News is working again; still have trouble with the English version |
22-09-2007 | Showresults Oostende, Belgium. Celice 1Ex CAC CACIB BOS, Caitlin 1 Ex Best Junior and our Caronne surprised eveybody by gaining 1Ex CAC CACIB BOB while he had 2 enormous dogs and his two "sisters" as competition for the BOB. Prince Peyrac was in the mood today and showed himself very good and behaved exemplary. Judge mr. H. Muller (CH) thought that head, his good proportions in body and gait was also good enough to select him with the 8 BIG of FCI 2. | |
16-09-2007 | Showresults Köln, Germany: Celice Champion class 2 Ex. res CAC (KFU +VDH). Caitlin Junior class 2 Ex. res. Junior CAC (KFU + VDH) | |
02-09-2007 |
Brother and Sister "On Tour" part 7: Jergan Open class:1Ex. CAC CACIB BOB and now Luxembourg- and International Champion Celice: Champion class: 1Ex. CAC CACIB BOS and Luxembourg Champion. Little Caitlin (still 9 months) Junior class 1Ex.Junior CAC and Luxembourg Junior Champion. |
25-08-2007 |
Brother and Sister "On Tour" part 6: Jergan Open class:1Ex. res. CAC res. CACIB. Celice: Champion class: 1Ex. CAC CACIB so again Best Bitch and BOS. Caronne: Champion class 2Ex. and our little Caitlin (still 9 months) Junior class 1Ex.Junior CAC and for the third time on a row Second Best Bitch, so again a Dutch res. CAC which will be turned into a fully CAC because Celice is already Dutch Champion. Cubilon's Hann-Hund Homage again BIS Veteran, BIG, BIS and Festival Winner Trondheim
And if the BIG judge looks familair to you: you're right. This lady who made Daddy Martin BIG 2, also made his sun Jergan BOS and his daughter Celice BOB in Lokeren, Belgium and selected Celice with the 10 BIG at the show in Leuven,Belgium. Talking about consequent judging around the world.......... |
18-08-2008 |
"Ladies day" at Mechelen, Belgium this time. Judge: Mrs. B. Gothen (DK). Celice Open class: 1Ex. CAC CACIB BOB and little Caitlin won Junior class again:1Ex., became Best Junior and again 2nd Best Bitch
11-08-2008 |
Brother and Sister “On Tour” part 5. Again ranking for the “Norwegians” in the Main ring. Celice BOS, Jergan BOB and BIG 3. It went wonderful again for brother and sister. Also Jergan has now won a group placement on this show after being selected several times during other shows. Caronne became 1 VG and “little Norwegian Troll” Caitlin, who’s exactly 9 months today, was entered in junior class for the first time. She achieved 1Ex. Junior CAC and took also the reserve CAC (second best bitch) home. As her sister Celice is already Dutch Champion, the reserve will be a fully adult CAC for her. Hereunder you find her first report from the junior class. But the big BANG came in the afternoon when handsome Jergan entered the main ring for the judgement off group FCI 2. Cheered by a group of enthousiastic Pyrlovers he (and Rieky of course) gaited beautifully and he gained 5 BIG under judge P. Roosenboom(B) In the mean time in Norway took daddy of Celice and Jergan (Martin) the BOB and their sister Alta Colina’s Donna Diosa took the BOS on the same show. Martin won with the siblings of Celice en Jergan, Alta Colina's Donna Diosa, -Dorado, Don Diablo en Don Juan, Prodigee class and took 4th Best Prodigee Group in Show. |
05-08-2007 |
Brother and Sister "On Tour part 4; This time Jergan 1 Ex. res. CAC (second Best male), Celice 1 Ex CAC BOB and again selected with the 10 Best dogs in Group FCI 2 . Our Caronne 1Ex CAC BOS. Little Caitlin was shown for the last time in Puppy class and became 4th Best Puppy in Show |
04-08-2007 |
Alta Colina's Crem de la Creme "Keldo", sun of our Caldo, Became Best in Group FCI 2 today in Nesbyen, Norway |
23-07-2007 | Brother and Sister On Tour, part 3. Jergan again BOB and Celice res. CAC and res. CACIB (second best bitch) Luik, Belgium. Judge Mrs. A. Beenen-Sluyters (NL) and PMD's present: 11. Caronne 1 Ex. in Championsclass and Caitlin again 1 VP and Best Puppy. In 2 weeks this tour will be continued at Leuven, Belgium with judge Mrs. C. Rossier (CH) |
15-07-2007 |
Brother and Sister On Tour, part 2. This time Celice BOB and Jergan BOS + Belgium Champion
Lokeren, Belgium; this was the second show Rieky and I had planned for the "Brother and Sister Tour 2007". Judge: Mrs. L. Mach (CH), PMD's: 7 . Jergan becomes again Best Male (= Lokerse Winner 2007) and the restricted 1 year and a day between the first and last CAC went by so he officially became Belgium Champion. Caronne achieved 1 Ex. in Championclass and became 2nd Best Male. Caitlin is the only Pup present and gets VP so Best Puppy. Sister Celice wins Open class (3 bitches present), becomes again Best Bitch (= Lokerse Winner 2007) and beats this time her brother for the BOB. |
03-07-2007 |
Our kennel name MACTHREE is official now. Because most of the people already knew/know us under the name of MAC³ , we've decided to make that official. As it's not allowed to use numbers in the kennel name, it has become MACTHREE. Hopefully first puppies under that name will be born at the beginning of 2008. |
01-07-2007 |
Brother and sister together "On Tour"; Jergan BOB and Celice BOS and DUTCH CHAMPION
Echt, Holland 14 PMD's present. Results: Caitlin: 1 Very promising in Puppyclass. Caronne 2 Excellent in Championclass. Celice in Open class: 1 EX CAC CACIB, BOS and as she has reached the age of 27 months so she now became officially Dutch Champion. Brother Jergan: 1 EX CAC CACIB BOB and selected (again like last week at Brussels) with 15 Best dogs in Group FCI 2 |
22-06-2007 |
Celice 5 BEST IN GROUP FCI 2 in Salzburg, Austria and Caitlin again selected with the 8 Best Puppies in Show. Here under the results: pictures and stories coming up as soon as we"re home Showresults Salzburg, Austria: Caldo Championsclass: 1 Ex CAC CACIB BOS. Caitin Puppyclass: 1 Very Promissing, Best Puppy and selected with the 8 Best Puppies in Show (as well Best male as Best female puppies in the ring). Celice Open class: 1 EX CAC CACIB BOB and 5 BIG! Showresults Zagreb, Croatia: Caldo Championsclass: Exellent. Caitin Puppyclass: 1 Very Promissing, Best Puppy. We decided not to show her in the Ring of Honour, we wanted to get away as soon as possible from that horribel show. Celice Open class: 3 Exellent |
05-06-2007 | Alta Colina's Damenes Jens "Jergan" Jergan becomes (if all goes well) a daddy again, this time at kennel "Von Hüttenbusch" in Germany. His bride will be this time Roxy von Hüttenbusch (HD B, officially Patella-, OCD- en ED- free). Puppies are to be expected in August. Also soon a mating for Jergan is planned in Holland at kennel "La Joie Blanche". with Danse d'Amour Dewi La Joie Blanche. This combination is from both sides HD A/free and officially Patella free 0/0. For more information about the puppies, you can contact Hannelore Bokelmann from kennel "Von Hüttenbusch", Germany and Karin Scholten from kennel "La Joie Blanche", Holland | |
04-06-2007 |
Alta Colina's Donna Diosa "Elvis" became Danish Champion this weekend After becoming BIS and Norwegian Champion last week at the Norwegian Clubshow (photo), Celice's sister Elvis became Danish Champion last weekend by winning the Open class with CK and becoming 2e Best Bitch of the day on the Danish Clubshow. Kennel Alta Colina also became Best Breeder in Show again. Judge: Mr. Reinders (Nl) And Jergan and Celice are still waiting to be old enough to become a Champion in Holland and Belgium....... |
28-04-2007 | New showresults Arnhem, Holland. Judge Mr E. Wieldraaijer (NL). Caronne: Open class 1 Excellent CAC CACIB Best Male BOS. Celice: Open class 1 Exellent CAC CACIB Best Bitch BOB. Caitlin: Puppyclass 1 Very promising Selected with the 5 Best Puppies in Show Judge: Y. v.d. Boogerd (NL) | |
27-04-2007 |
Kennel Alta Colina rules the Nationaal Specialty Show in Norway. Both Best Male and Female came from kennel Alta Colina as also the best Junior Alta Colina's Esmeralda (daughter of Keldo). They also won the prize for Best Breeders groupe. Keldo (sun of our Caldo) also won the price for Best expression. More showresults and pictures are coming up
28-04-2007 |
New showresults Genk, Belgium. Celice: Open class 1 Excellent CAC Best Bitch BOS Caronne: Open class 3 Excellent judge: Mr. Z. Oristowski (PL) PMD's: 9
22-04-2007 |
New showresults Goes, Holland. Celice: Open class 1 Excellent res. CAC and CACIB (second Best Bitch) Caronne: Open class 1 Excellent CAC CACIB Best Male BOS judge: Mr. M Deschuymere (B) PMD's: 8 |
21-04-2007 |
This time not a dog who became Champion but our son with his football team |
11-04-2007 |
Caitlin 5 months She still has partley her puppy fur, still has the puppy mop of hair on her head and she still has the puppy behaviour. Her tail wags all day (I think she copied that from Caronne) And her hobbies are the same as Celice's: wrecking the garden and eat, eat, eat, eat, eat.................... |
09-04-2007 |
Showresults Leeuwarden. Celice: Open class 1 Excellent CAC CACIB Best Bitch BOS Caronne: Open class 1 Excellent res. CAC res. CACIB (second Best Male). Judge: Mr. F. Schweizer(CH) PMD's: 7 |
01-04-2007 |
Showresults Luxemburg. Celice: Open class 2 Excellent res. CAC res. CACIB (second Best Bitch) Caronne: Open class 3 Excellent. Caitlin 1 VP Best Puppy. Judge: Mr. L. Pichard (CH) PMD's: 16 |
One of our best "little" friends at the moment: Jordan
30-03-2007 |
The male opponent of Caitlin; litter brother Garmin |
25-03-2007 |
Caronne DUTCH CHAMPION photo's: Renate Chiodi |
22-03-2007 |
Although I'm still very young, I know it for shure; it's Thursday so the Grandma's are coming. And that means: COOKIES!!! |
18-03-2007 |
Showresults Wieze, Belgium: Caitlin, babyclass: 1 Very Promising, Best Baby. Carone, open class: 1 Excellent, res. CAC. (second Best Male) Celice, open class: 1 Excellent, CAC Best Bitch, BOB. Judge: Mrs. M. Kavcic (Slo) P.M.D's: 9
10-03-2007 |
Caitlin 17 weeks |
09-03-2007 | Alta Colina Den Dama "Celice" 2 years. Also congratulations to: sister Elvis, Milla, Trulten and brothers: Jergan, Ruben, Falco, Knerten, Biggen and Miro | |
25-02-2007 | New showresults Alta Colina's Creme de la Crem Keldo NORWEGIAN CHAMPION Keurrapport: Nice head, body, beautiful neck and top line, perfect in static, a little close in behind when moving. Superb dog. Also kennel Alta Colina became again Best Breeders Group and 3 Best Breeders Group in Show with Keldo, Bubbles, Knerten (brother of Celice) and Elvis (sister of Celice) |
23-02-2007 | ![]() |
19-02-2007 |
Help!! A new puppy in the house and there goes our garden again! And the worst part of it is; she gets help from the master in wrecking gardens herself. Just now when the first buds and leaves are starting to come up, our little Cait sees all our plants as toy- and chewing material.
New link added |
17-02-2007 |
Falco, brother of both Jergan and Celice also HD A/HD free. He's the third one out of the litter who has been X-rayed and with the same splendid result. New pictures added on the page "For/from others" We've started the repairment of the photo albums. Of Caldo's, Caronne's and Celice's album most pictures can be enlarged again. The rest of the albums will follow later on this week |
12-02-2207 |
New headpicture of 13 weeks old Caitlin and a newphoto album |
10-02-2007 | Caitlin has been to the vet and her Patella's are deep-roted (PL0/0) !! Of course we'll repeat the test at the age of 1 year | |
09-02-2007 | Caitlin also has her own page now | |
08-02-2007 |
Photo album "Snow fun" added. The first real snow in Holland and the dogs have been outside all day and enjoyed themselves marvelously. Now they're all laying exhausted everywhere in the house New showresults added |
07-02-2007 | The official hipresult of Celice: HD A/HD free | |
31-01-2007 | We've the official hipresult of Caronne; HD A/HD free | |
27-01-2007 |
A new girl will be arriving soon: Alta Colina's Gorina Grupa. A Norwegian name which is hard to pronounce so it will be Caitlin.
22-01-2007 |
Completly balanced: Caronne patrolling the garden:
18-01-2007 | All new showresults placed. Page "Jergan", replaced by page "Puppies" . At the end of 2007/beginning 2008 we hope to have a litter of our Celice with one of our boys. As soon as we've decided which male it will be, we'll annonce it on our site. The English translantion of this page soon follows. | |
15-01-2007 |
The party is over and he slept in after 3 CAC's, 2 CACIB's and 2 BOB victories, Prvak Slovenije v Lepoti-Slo Ch (Slovenian Champion) and "Klubski Prvak" (Clubwinner) 2007: Caldo. Celice scored on the third show 1 Excelent CAC CACIB in Open class |
25-12-2006 | Also at kennel "From Cailins Garden" they've received their most wanted present: 6 bitches and 4 males are born today. Daddy Jergan, mother Laske and their Christmas babies are doing fine. And by that Celice has become an aunt(ie) for the first time. Fore more information contact Rieky and Wim van de Berk | |
23-12-2006 | I've received my most wanted Christmas present today; I 've passed my exames Exterior and Movements. | |
21-12-2006 |
New showresult of Celice I have my final exams within a few days. In one hour there’ll be decided if my greatest wish at the moment will come true. After two and a half years of studying, the time is finally there; coming Saturday the 23th are the exams of Exterior and Movements; the final exams of the route to become an aspirant judge. It’s has influence on everything that makes live normally goes so smoothly. Lately I forget everything what DOESN’T has anything to do with a dog, what doesn’t look like a dog, what doesn’t behave like a dog and if it doesn’t move like a dog it’s not interesting at all at the moment. |
09-12-2006 |
New showresult of Celice |
04-12-2006 |
The new puppies of Alta Colina, Norway The puppies of the E- and F litter together with Mamma Anna, mother of the F litter because Mamma Lucy had something else to do. Anna could'nt care less; she takes care of all the puppies anyway. For more information about these litters: kennel Alta Colina, Norway |
28-11-2006 |
Showresults of the Winner Amsterdam. Judge Dhr. L. Pinto Teixeira. Alta Colina's Den Dama "Celice" Open class 1 Exellent. Symfonie van Merode "Caldo" Championsclass 2 Excellent res. CAC res. CACIB News from last week:
Martin (father from Celice and Jergan) became for the 3rd time Topwinning Pyrenean Mountain Dog of the year in Norway. He also won the titel Nordic Winner 2006 and again a groups placement (5) in Hamar, Noorwegen. Son Ruben (litter brother of Celice en Jergan) became third best male with CC on this show
Ruth (grand daugther of Caldo) 9 months old, she's alike as two peas of her father Keldo
And again a new link added from another (succesfull) brother of Celice and Jergan. Falco, owner Sigrid Undheim
23-11-206 |
The beautiful site of Alta Colina's Damenens Jens "Jergan" On Line!! |
20-11-2006 | New link added of Genetic Counselling Services | |
15-11-2006 |
The official HD result of Jergan A1 HD FREE Alta Colina's Damenes Jens is not only a very beautiful dog with a magnificent character, it turns out he also has the perfect hips.
So the litter that is to be expeceted around Christmas time at kennel From Cailin's Garden is an outcross combination with both parents officially Patella free (no knee-problems) en with the official hip results of A1 en A2. For more information: Rieky en Wim van den Berk, From Cailins Garden
07-11-2006 tot 13-11-2006 |
F litter Alta Colina born on the 7th of November 2006
G litter Alta Colina born on the 11th of November 2006
More pictures of the puppies at page "From Others" New links added of kennel Wonderwhite's, Sweden were a halfsister of Celice and Jergan lives and kennel Cubilon, Norway the breeders of the famous Cubilon's Hann-Hund Homage "Martin" Father of Jergan and Celice, Ch. Cubilon's Hann-Hund Homage "Martin" Best in Show at Orkanger, Norway Seems like this is Martin's show. He became in 2003, 2004, 2005 en 2006 BOB on this show, in 2004, 2005 and 2006 Best in Group. In 2005 he became Best in Show and on the 12th of November 2006 he did it again: Best in Show. A great achivement!! The Breedersgroup of Cubilon became Best Breedersgroup in show. |
05-11-2006 |
Alta Colina´s Den Dama Best of Breed Celice participated for the 2nd time in Open class at Bleiswijk. And she was in the mood today, she became Best Bitch and deserved by that her 2nd CAC, her first complete CACIB and on top of that she also became BOB
29-10-2006 |
The bride and groom Alaska (Geronne de la Belletiere x Diesel van Patous Legend) and Alta Colina's Damenes Jens (Ch. Cubilon's Hann-Hund Homage x Ch. Beachbear's Guapa Joya de Ora,) Laske is officially Patella free and HD A2, Jergan is also officially free from Patella luxation and his good hip results only have to be acknowledged on paper.The puppies will be born under kennelname "From Cailins Garden". Owners are Rieky en Wim van den Berk, Belgium More photo's and information about Jergan you can find on Jergan's pagina. For further information about this combination you can contact kennel "From Calin's Garden Rieky with Jergan at that time 9 weeks old. So if you're a doglover and lover off this special breed and you've still not decided yet what to ask for Christmas..... |
28-10-2006 |
New showresults Utrecht, judge Mr. Baelen (B). Celice was for some reason entered in Open classe but did it very well. 5 biches present in that class but still she became 2nd Excellent. Caronne, still with no winter coat, became 2 Very good, also in Open class Alta Colina's Damenes Jens "Jergan" becomes a daddy for the first time!! Tomorrow more news about this mating which already took place. Puppies will be expected around Christmas. |
27-10-2006 |
Caldo is home again and everybody is happy. One in particullar! |
24-10-2006 |
Celice after her 4th succesfull escape out of one of the dogpenns
23-10-2006 Norway |
Just send your dog to Norway and you'll get a beautifully trained dog back again
10-09-2006 Norway |
Caldo still in the beautiful Norwegian mountains. Within 3 weeks he'll have to do it with our Dutch dunes again. We can't wait to see him!! |
just arrived Norway |
Beate with Bubbles and Caldo in the beautiful mountains |
09-10-2006 | Show results Charleroi, Belgium Caronne and Celice | |
06-10-2006 |
Cindy is doing well. Partly made possible by the story of Cindy, an official Foundation is now founded by Janet and Leon Pronk of kennel Du Chamourel. A foundation is an organisation which has a non profit motive and which spends all her money, received from donations, on the purpose of this foundation; in this case Cindy and every Pyrenean Mountain Dog that needs help in any way.
04-10-2006 |
Show results Maastricht, Holland Jergan and Celice Caldo was entered on a Norwegian show this weekend, judge J. Jakobsen (N) and even made the wheel (see pictures for prove)
Celice is staying with Grandma again |
16-09-2006 |
Showresults Zwolle. Judge Mr. M.E.J. v.d. Weijer (NL) 1, 5 years. Beautiful type with very good build body. Splendid top- and underline. Brilliant head and expression. Good set ears and carriage. Very well developed body with good, strong loins. Good set-on tail and carriage. Good bone substance. Excellent feet. Good structure of the coat which has to become fuller. Fluent gaits.
Zoë (1 year) and Caronne inspecting the bottle if there's any milk left |
10-09-2006 |
Alta Colina's Damenes Jens Best Male and sister Alta Colina's Den Dama Best Bitch at the Young Dogday in Belgium The Young Dog day in Belgium turned into a family happening. Celice won her class 18-24 months and became Best Bitch. Jergan also won his class 18-24 months, became Best Male, defeated, well deserved, his sister for Best Junior and became Best Dog of the day Daddy Martin (Ch. Cubilon's Hann-Hund Homage) from this successful D litter has his own site now and the link is added |
05-09-2006 |
Pictures from Caldo in Norway
03-09-2006 |
Celice Luxembourg Youth Champion! Celice has closed her Junior carreer today. She became Luxembourg Youth Champion nder judge Mr. J Muldoon (Irl). Caronne became 3 Excellent in open class and Jergan became 1 Excellent CAC in Intermediaire class
Caldo has left to Norway
27-08-2006 | Celice will be mentioned in the Dutch (PMD) history as being the first PMD who has achieved the Dutch Youth Championship. In Rotterdam, judge Mr. A. de Groote (B), she became 1 Excellent in Junior classe and won the last Junior CAC which she needed. Caronne won the Open classe with 1 Excellent and got res. CAC en res. CACIB ( 2nd Best Male) | |
20-08-2006 |
Brother and Sister did it again very well today Jergan Intermediar class: 1 Excellent, CAC CACIB BOB, Selected 6th best dog of group FCI 2 by judge Mr A. di Lorenzo (I) |
17-08-2006 |
A good Samari'lady' has called her self in to provide a temporary home for Cindy. Let's see what happens; Cindy still lives in the shelter; hope that will be over soon. |
16-08-2006 | Vet Nico Dijkshoorn has offered to operate on Cindy against a strongly reduced price | |
14-08-2006 |
Emergency call!! Forget for a moment everything what's on this page about 4 healthy, lucky dogs. Please read this email we've received. Is there someone who can help a young, lovable dog who's staying in a shelter now for almost 8!!! months. Financial help (even 1 euro) or suggestions in any shape how to help her, are most welcome. |
10-08-2006 |
Character description of all the dogs placed on their own page The piece about "The introduction of the Junior Championship in Holland has been put on the page "From Others" Beneath the article you can find all victories till now of our Junior Dog Alta Colina Den Dama Celice |
09-08-2006 |
Several pictures added on the page's of Caldo, Caronne, Celice and Jergan. Also new pictures on the page "From Others" and "Diverse" Caronne during his comeback in the ring after an absence of more then a year. Photo made by Renate Choidi-Walraven |
08-08-2006 | Caldo's grand daughter Ruth became this weekend in Sweden Best Puppy and 3e Best Puppy in Show
07-08-2006 |
New showresults Leuven, Belgium. Judge A. LeBlond (F)
31-07-2006 |
New pictures of Caldo in his photo album |
27-07-2006 | ![]() |
24-07-2006 |
New showresult Celice: Luik, Belgium Judge: Mr. Campbell (N) Juniorclass: 1 Excellent, Best Junior |
20-07-2007 |
New music for Celice. We've decided that this music is more suitable for our Terminator. And another picture from Giant Caldo and Tom Thump Zoë |
19-07-2006 |
Several new links added. Music placed on the pages of Caldo, Celice and Jergan. This will be the music of Caronne And this is another brother of Celice and Jergan. Meet Knerten or
17-07-2006 |
Celice rumbles on: Lokeren, Belgium, judge Mr. Rehanek (CZ) Juniorclass 1 Exellent, Jeugd/Juniorwinner Lokeren, 5th Best Junior in Show
14-07-2006 |
Caldo with his new playmate: Zoë 10 months |
13-07-2006 |
The page from/for others is On line with stories, pictures, movies and showtips with a big fat wink. I still have to do a lot of translation on that page but in the mean time you can enjoy the lovely pictures which are on it New links added from Polish kennel Pyristamo and Unkada. The site from Pyistamo has an English version. The site from Unkada will have an English version in future. The Polish translation from PMD is: Pirenejski Pies Górski also called Duzy Pies Pirenejski |
12-07-2006 |
New pictures from Caronne in his photo album
11-07-2006 | Alta Colina's Damenes Jens "Jergan" has his own page on our site now. You can find him under "Our dogs" but his owner is of course Rieky van den Berk, Belgium. Till Jergan has his own site, he'll stay on ours. From now on you can find information and his (beautiful) showresults on his own page | |
10-07-2006 |
Alta Colina's Damenes Jens "Jergan" has also deserved his first BOB title. After becoming Belgian Juniorwinner in Brussel, Jergan goes on getting great results on shows.On 09-07-2006 he became Best male, deserving with that his first Championship award and becameBOB in La Louvière, Belgium under Judge R. Doedijns (Nl). Within a short time Celice's brother gets his own page on this site so everyone can enjoy this promising, young male. Rieky and Wim, congratulations with the great results Jergan has achieved till now. |
07-07-2006 |
New link added from Hellenic Giant Star, Greece and this is the Greek translation of Pyrenean Mountain dog: Ορεινός Σκύλος των Πυρηναίων And already a short impression of our holliday (more to come) |
06-07-2006 | German translation "about Brutus and the rest" added with many thanks to Ursula from Ursa's Signum | |
30-06-2006 |
Were're back in Holland again. First thing we did, was picking up Caronne. He stayed in Holland during our holliday and was very well taken cared of by Caroline and her contributors from "De Bommel" a boarding house for dogs. They already knew the breed so that was a great reassurance for us. Besides that they've large (playing) pastures where the dogs can play as much as they want. For us it was the first time that we let Caronne stay with somebody else during a holliday and at first we didn't feel happy about it. But every time we called Prins Peyrac was happy playing, ate well (gain some weight again) and he was even swimming in a pool. He had the time of his life so Caroline and contributors; thank you so much for taking care of Caronne so well (and for the hugs you gave him during his stay with you all) and the returning of still very happy and cheerfull dog. |
18-06-2006 |
Today it was Caldo's turn: Umag, Croatia: Championsclass: 1 Ex., CAC, CACIB, BOB, selected at the 10 Best in group FCI 2 ( In Croatia only the first 3 are rankend) Celice: Juniorclass: 1 Ex., Best Junior, 2nd Best Bitch, Junior Winner Umag, Croatia
17-06-2006 |
Celice beats 3 bitches out of the Open class and "brother" Caldo for the BOB in Portoroz, Slovenia |
15-06-2006 |
Celice guarding the appartement in Croatia |
09-06-2006 |
The new bride of Nl. Int. Ch. Symfonie van Merode Caldo B. D. CH. Lu. Ch. is known: N. Ch. Alta Colina's Barco de la Bandera "Lucy". Mating planned in the summmer of 2006. For more information about this combination: Alta Colina One of the grandchildren from Caldo, born 23-02-2006 at kennel Alta Colina Norway
07-06-2006 | New showresult: Celice was judged 1 Excellent in Youth class by Mr. F.Schweizer (CH) and has captured her second Junior CAC With the judging of the FCI 2 group we see a positive development lately.Finally PMD's are going to be rankend in the group. In Holland the judging of group 2 is like comparing apples to pears. There're a lot of breeds in this group with a big variety of appereances and heights, varying from 25 cm till dogs over the 85 cm. You see the Dwarf Pinscher next to the Saint Bernard, the Dwarf Schnauzer next to the Mastiff, the English Bulldog next to the Pyrenean Mountain dog, and so on. But Dedale du Mas de Beauvoisin was ranked twice this year in Goes and Lelystad. Symfonie van Merode Evita did exact the same in Eindhoven and together with her brother Symfonie van Merode Elgar she's very succesfull in couple class. Last monday they even became Best couple in Show. Congratulations!!! New link added from kennel Echo de'Chien Beneath you'll find the article about the introduction of the Junior Championship in Holland |
07-06-2006 |
The Sense or Nonsens of the introduction of the Youth/Junior Championship in Holland |
26-05-2006 |
Finally time to update the site. I’ve started today by adding the English version of the articles “Is your glass half empty or is it half full” and “How the story continued”. You can find them on the page “Brutus” at the end of the story. These articles are on my site for quit a while now (in Dutch) but I couldn’t find the time till now to translate them in English. There’s also an article on the site about the problems we have over here since they’ve introduced the Dutch Youth Championship in 2006. I’ll translate it as soon as possible.
After being Best Youthdog on the Clubmatch in Belgium and becoming Luxemburgs Youth Champion in Marz, won Jergan (brother of our Celice) his classe again on the Young Dogday in Holland. Congratulations! Also on the Young Dogday you could have, voluntarily and free of charge, your dog test on Patella Luxation by an orthopedic vet. Jergan participated and Hurray, he's free from Patella Luxation. |
22-05-2006 |
We had marvelous results in Sankt Gallen, Switzerland. Caldo 2x 1 Ex. CAC, 2x res. CACIB. He deserved this weekend his 4e and 5e CAC and became SWISS CHAMPION. This is his 7th official Championship. Celice 2x 1 Ex, 2x Youth CAC, 2x Best Youthdog (Youthwinner Sankt Gallen 20 en 21 may 226) and qualification for the Crufts 2007. And because this were her 2nd and 3th JCAC, she became SWISS YOUTH CHAMPION
Swiss Champion Caldo and Swiss Youth Champion Celice playing with the boss near the beautiful Bodemlake (Bodemsee) in Switzerland after the shows |
24-04-2006 |
Back from Norway and I have the official result: I passed the exams KK2. 25-04-2006: Sonja, Anja, Let and Frans also passed the exams. Congratulations and I hope we'll see each other soon Photos from the trip later: but first we're going to have a party |
12-04-2006 | New link added from the site Regalia Great Pyrenees A very informative site if you're planning to buy a puppy. After a dreadfull experience with her PMD Zeus, Sariena has made it almost her life's work to warn people where to pay attention to if they're planning to buy a puppy. She goes through all stages from beginning to think about buying a puppy, till picking out the individual puppy. How do you find a reliable breeder and how do you recognize him/her? Which questions can/must the breeder ask you? Which questions can/must you ask the breeder concerning the health from the lines behind the puppies? When you're going to look at a litter; where do you have/need to pay attention to? It's a long sit because there's a lot of information on the site. But before you think: "That takes too long and that's why I don't feel like it", read the story about Zeus (in memory). And experience of which you can keep your dog, yourself and your environment from. Sariena has done everything to keep Zeus but still had to let him go at the age of only 19 months...... |
01-04-2006 | New showresult from Celice: Youth classe 1Exellent, Junior CAC and res. CAC 2nd Best Bitch | |
18-03-2006 |
Puppies expected circa 20-04-2006 at kennel From the Dutch garden from Symfonie van Merode Dancing Jill And circa 17-04-2006 at kennel Payona from litter sister Symfonie van Merode Djazz And at the same time we wish to congratulate Johan and Marian with the great results in Goes, Holland where Devlin won in Open classe 1U, CAC.CACIB, BOB and won the 8th rank in FCI 2 groupe. Congratulations!! |
17-03-2006 |
New pictures from Celice 1 year old, she doesn't lack an attitude as high as a mountain and pigmentation and expression either! |
13-03-2006 | The date for exam KK2 is out: 19th of April 2006 We're receiving lot of messages and photo's from all kind of people. Because the page News will get overcrowded if we put all these things on it, we're making a new page "From others". So we can put the stories, films, and so on, on that page. And do you want to know how small the Giants were as a puppy and how the deep barking as we know from them sounded then, just click here And how they reacte when they first taste "real" food |
11-03-2006 |
New pictures from Caldo in his photo album
09-03-2006 |
Birthdaygirl Celice together with Zoë |
06-03-2006 |
Celice is home again and Caronne is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery pleased. Thanks Mum voor babysitting Celice XXX-ses |
03-03-2006 |
New pictures from Caronne in his photo album
26-02-2006 |
New pictures from Caldo's "grandchilderen" in photo album "Diversen", 3 days old
23-02-2006 |
Puppies born at Alta Colina, Norway |
22-02-2006 | National Great Pyrenees Club of Korea founded. President of NGPCK is Mr. Jung . New link added | |
16-02-2006 | Dutch, International, Belgium, German, Luxemburg Champion Symfonie van Merode Caldo 5 years old! |
13-02-2006 |
Caldo has won his third Swiss CAC and Celice became (completely out of coat) Jugendsiegster Fribourg 2006 More pictures coming up in photo album "Shows" |
25-01-2006 |
Pups expected at Alta Colina ca. 24th of Februay 2006 |
24-01-2006 |
Pirinejski Planinski Pas In Croatia there’re no sites available about Pyrenean Mountaindogs. You can only find some articles on the internet. To put it stronger: when we first visited Croatia, in 2003, there were only 2 PMD’s existing in all of Croatia. On the show where we had entered Caldo, there were only Italian and Slovenian PMD’s present; not one from Croatia. We already found that odd but when we went into town that evening and our little Caldo caused a huge stoppage in front off the terrace we sat, we entirely couldn’t believe what came over us. And this went on and on each day, and it became worse every day; everyone wanted to caress him, everyone wanted to take a picture of him. A strange thing was that nobody asked us what kind of breed he was. Usually this is the first question you get almost all of the time from people. But the strangest thing was that people made remarks about us having (a lot of) money. Till finally a man came to us with a newspaper and then we finally understood what was going on. The receptionist of the hotel translated it for us. The article in the paper told us that a litter of PMD’s was born in Zaton. The litter came from the combination between the 2 only PMD’s existing on that moment in Croatia. 10 Puppies were born and it was important news; that important that it had made the national news. There was a story, telling us that in the early days PMD’s were sold/bought for the amount of $3,50 and that nowadays (2003) they’re worth € 1000,--!! each because of their rarity. Because they also had placed 2 pictures from Mamma, Pappa and the litter, Caldo was recognized by many people as being a Pirinesjki Planinski Pas and so apparently an expensive, threatened species. At that moment we also understood the remarks about the money. They thought we were loaded because we could afford such a dog. The income and especially for the ones in the catering industry were very low. If you know that we had first-, main course and dessert including drinks for not even €10,--, p.p. in a good restaurant, and they still made profit, maybe then you can imagine what little money the people made over there. On that holiday we’ve explained a lot of times to a lot of people that we (sadly) weren’t filthy rich and (the most important thing) that the breed wasn’t dying out and that there’re breeders all over the world to secure the existence of this beautiful breed. Till next time, Mac3 |
20-01-2006 |
New pictures of Celice on the site Our lady is a bit out of coat at the moment but she's developing very well just like her brother Jergan Alta Colina's Den Dama "Celice" Alta Colina's Damenens Jens "Jergan", is owned by Wim and Rieky van der Berk, Belgium. Do you want more information about Jergan, just contact riekywim@telenet.be Alta Colina's Damenes Jens "Jergan" Martin, father of both Jergan and Celice became Best Pyrenean Mountaindog 2005 in Norway just like he did in 2003. In 2004 he was 3e Best Pyrenean Mountaindog of Norway. Cubilon's Hann-Hund Hommage is owned by Hilde Stenstad. She also posesses Alta Colina's Don Diablo "Ruben", a litter brother. You can find pictures of all these dogs in the photogallery Cubilon's Hann-Hund Homage "Martin" Further more we've received from Mr. Jung notice that Odin, sun of Duncan, became BOB four times on a row and has achived the AKC championship by that. He did that by beating d the nr. 1 Great Pyrenees of this moment. Odin is bred and owned by Mr. Jung and lives in Atlanta, America. He was entered in classe 12-18 month and is only 13 months old. The next translation of Pyrenean Mountaindog is on the way A bit sad news now; the exams for KK2 has been delayed till April/May. Very sad for our group but also for the people who are still waiting for the course Exterior and Movement, the following course which has to have enough participants will it start The're puppies to be expected at Alta Colina, Norway and Caldo will become Grand Pa for the first time And there's a mating planned again for Caldo in Norway in the summer of 2006 |
13-01-2006 |
Guestbook adjusted Sorry, didn't know that your sites weren't to be seen through your messages. I've adjusted it |
03-01-2006 |
그레이트 피레니즈
This is the Korean translation of Pyrenean Mountain dog. I think most people know how it works but for those who doesn't: copy the translation and past it in the searching frame. Sadly enough there few Korean sites available with an English version; so impossible to read. The most beautiful Korean site is without no doubt Mr. Jung's with beautiful music, pictures and films about shows and an English version! ![]() Mr. Jung is the proud owner of some Pyrs from the American type. They're imported from out of the USA from, a.o. the well-known kennels Rivergroves and Summerhill. He also possess a Pyr of “Valle d'Aspe“ but behind this dog are also the bloodlines of Rivergroves and Summerhill. In the mean time he also has bred some offspring's of them. One of his most striking dogs is without no doubt Duncan. A multiple Best in Group winner, Best in show winner and also American, International en Korean Champion. ![]()
02-01-2006 |
Several new links added |
24-12-2005 | Introduction website Through circumstances we’ve “yanked” the site suddenly on line. But because I’ve a brief moment now, I really would like to thank a few people who helped me with the site. At first there’s of course (the very talented) Sandra from Sand webdesign which I drove crazy sometimes. Then we have Ursula Hock from Ursa’s Signum who’s responsible for the German translation. And I don’t want to forget Claire Billet who did the French translation for the page “About us”. And most of al my husband Aad for his patience during all the time I was behind the computer (or with my nose in books, that turns out to be the same for him) and didn’t had time for him. After the first day on line we had many sweat and lovely reactions from a lot of people by email and guestbook about the story “Brutus and the rest”. We were very pleased by that; the story has called up these reactions where we were hoping for. The French translation will come in future; we’re busy with that. The German translating will be a “will be continued” story because Urs is very busy with her (Pyr) shops. We're even going to translate the story in Norwegian with help from Beate so it will also be readable for Scandinavian countries. Further more it’s our intention to track down as many translations as possible from Great Pyrenean Mountain dog with interesting links from the belonging countries. In that way it will be possible to reach sites of unknown or less unknown breeders. Who knows, maybe you’ll find the stud you’re looking for. We’ve already found a lot of translations and from next week on we’re going to put them on our site. By clicking on the button “News” (above the picture) you can see if there’s new information, photo’s and so on. We’re wishing we can welcome you back for many more times. If we could all live in peace While our thoughts are with Zoë, we wish you all a healthy, successful but most of all a lovable 2006…. Aad, Marina, Romano, Caldo, Caronne, Celice, Chelsey Mac³![]() |
23-12-2005 |